Currently studying a Bachelors of Computer Science, majoring in Security Engineering
at the University of New South Wales
I'm a computer science student with a passion for cybersecurity, with a greater interest in incident response and cloud security. Through my studies, both through university and externally, I've developed a strong foundation in areas such as web application security, binary exploitation, ethical hacking, and more. Ontop of this I have interests outside security mostly within full stack developement, which you can see in some of my projects.
COMP6447 Assignment
Developed a black box fuzzer to identify vulnerabilities in binaries by generating and mutating inputs to trigger incorrect program states such as crashes and invalid memory writes. It aims to explore multiple code paths by creating diverse inputs (e.g empty files, null bytes, large files) to stress-test binaries.
COMP3900 Assignment - SCRUM Master
ICPC Connect is a centralised system to both register for and manage ICPC Contests across Universities within the South Pacific. It allows students to register, automatically assigning them to teams of 3 through algorithmic matching, and provides an administrative interface for both coaches and site coordinators.